Flying Leap brings interactive, site-specific theater about challenging topics to families around the world.
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Current Projects
Beyond the Wall || Más Allá del Muro
2017-2020, in redevelopment 2024-2025
Known for performances with 15 foot tall puppets at the US/Mexico border wall, Beyond the Wall collaboration between Mexican and American artists and educators exploring borderland identity with youth growing up in the shadow of the border wall. Since Jess and collaborator Ana Díaz Barriga founded the project in 2017, Beyond the Wall has built 14 giant puppets, hosted two arts and culture festivals, piloted a binational pen pal program, and performed in Nogales AZ/SON, New York, London, and Prague.
The Garden
Available for Touring
The Garden is a radically inclusive, meditative performance exploring the life cycle with very young children and their families in public green spaces. In The Garden, families experience the life cycle through all five senses – through movement theater, poetic text in multiple languages, and interactive play – seated in the grass beneath the open sky in their local public park.
The Garden was developed with support from the New York City Artist Corps, New Victory LabWorks Alumni Program, and Chelsea Factory.
Lights in the Sky: A Children’s Ceremony
Available for Touring
Lights in the Sky is a work of immersive Jewish spiritual theater for families with children aged 4-10. In this interactive, immersive ceremony of radiance and renewal, families will use their own “Shabbos light” to journey together into Shabbat through light and dark, rest, hypnotic visuals, relaxing music, captivating storytelling, and interactive play.
Lights in the Sky was developed with support from Temple of the Stranger.
In Development
I Can Tell…
“Adults don’t know what to say to me. I can tell.”
I Can Tell is a devised verbatim performance about grief, co-created with adult artists, social workers, and young people in grief counseling. This intimate performance for families with tweens and teens tackles the subject of death with honesty in the real words of young people.
Set a timer for 10 seconds, and wait. Did it feel like 10 seconds? Or did it feel longer than you expected? Shorter? What does 10 seconds feel like? That’s what Play/Time will be about. We’ll play, with time, and what it feels like in our bodies.
This app-based interactive adventure is currently in development.
Duck, Death and the Tulip
Adapted from Wolf Erlbruch’s tender picture book, Duck, Death and the Tulip explores our earliest existential thoughts through the eyes of a young Duck, as she forms a tender friendship with Death. Young actors perform the lead roles in mask, while a trio of musicians accompany them and guide us on our journey.
Mathilda and the Orange Balloon
American Sign Language production in development
2018 – 2020: Co-created The DH Ensemble in British Sign Language
D/deaf and hearing accessible play for families based on the popular picture book by Randall de Sève. Mathilda is a grey sheep in a grey world, but when an orange balloon makes a surprise appearance on her farm, she starts to question if that's all she can be. Mathilda takes her family, the narrators, and the audience on a journey of self-discovery and self-determination that includes structured playtime with the actors on the farmyard playground set. The play is performed in Sign Language, Spoken English, and with animated captions to be fully accessible.
Production History:
2018 development at Sheffield Theaters
2019 London premiere and inaugural UK tour
2020 development at New Victory LabWorks
UK tour forthcoming
Adapted from the book Mathilda and the Orange Balloon © 2010 Photos from 2019 DH Ensemble Production. Featuring Mia Ward, Hermon Berhane, and Adam Jay Price. Photos by David Monteith-Hodge.
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