How Funds Will Be Spent:

85% of funds raised on this platform will go directly to paying artists a living wage.

Finance Overview 

  • The workshop and continued activities through September will cost $19,500

  • We have already secured $9500 in funds and in-kind support from The Guggenheim, Materials for the Arts, and earned income. 

  • We are raising $10,000 to fund the project through September..

  • We have strong fiscal management experience: the producing members of our team have managed budgets up to $100k USD including indoor, outdoor, and touring performances in the US, UK, Mexico, and Europe.


Expenses: $19,500

  • $8500 – Paying Artists (6 artists for prep, planning, workshop, and follow up)

  • $2000 – Space (100% in kind from The Guggenheim)

  • $1800 – Paying Teen Participants (100% in kind from The Guggenheim)

  • $1600 – Travel (2 artists from MX, 1 artist from the Catskills)

  • $1600 – Photography and Videography (100% in kind from generous friends)

  • $1400 – Puppet Building Supplies (50% in kind from Materials for the Arts)

  • $1300 – Admin & Overhead (keeps us insured, legal, and well-managed)

  • $1300 – Contingency (solving last minute problems)

Funds Secured: $9,500

  • $6000 In-kind support

  • $3500 Earned income from past projects

Total to raise: $10,000

Our Pay Equity Standards

Flying Leap’s pay equity standards have been recognized as industry leading. All artists and admins are compensated at rates that: 

  1. Meet W.A.G.E. guidelines (

  2. Meet or exceed comparable union/guild contract rates when available 

  3. Paying at minimum a living wage for each worker’s area based on MIT’s living wage calculator (