Jacksubeli Gonzalez (she/her)
is a native of Nogales, Sonora (MX) with a broad range of experience working with non-governmental organizations that promote the arts, culture and education. Jack is currently the Mexican Operations Director for Border Youth Tennis Exchange (BYTE) a multinational youth development organization in Nogales AZ/SON. She is a graduate of the National Pedagogical University with a bachelor of Educational Intervention and intercultural education. Jacksubeli helped facilitate the creation of the Municipal System to Prevent, Attend, Punish and Eradicate Violence Against Women and has been active in many municipal initiatives to empower women in Northern Mexico. Jacksubeli has also designed and deployed art curricula for the Mexican Ministry of Culture, where she has been recognized for leadership in community development.
Oscar Lancaster
is a teacher and cultural promoter with more than 15 years of experience working in arts and education in the public and private sectors in Mexico. Born and raised in Nogales, Sonora, Oscar is passionate about bringing arts and empathy programs to underserved youth. He has a Licenciada (BA equivalent) in Communication and a Diploma in Theater from the Universidad de Sonora. He has experience in Mexican state and municipal cultural and education institutions, over 10 years experience teaching middle and high school arts, sports, and English, and he founded and manages a nonprofit art association producing original theater for young people in Nogales.